Licenses and ID Cards

※ Download: Kansas drivers license check

About Your Suspended KS Driver's License The duration of your driver's license suspension and your reinstatement requirements will vary depending on your offense. NOTE: If you were convicted of a crime for your offense, you may also face additional court penalties.

For more information about your specific reinstatement requirements, please contact the Kansas. Below are general Kansas Department of Revenue fees that may apply to your situation. Online Kansas Driver's Ed Services Even though the Kansas Division of Vehicles doesn't offer online driver education services, you can still do a lot using private companies. NOTE: If you were convicted of a crime for your offense, you may also face additional court penalties.

Suspended License in Kansas - To learn more about becoming a subscriber please visit our page on our website. When they change something, we do, too!

Kansas Motor Vehicle Information is currently accessible 24 hours a day EXCEPT 4am-5am Monday-Saturday and 4am-2pm Sunday. Holiday availability is varied. For questions about traffic codes, take a look at the. Please look at our page for other information. This application allows subscribers the opportunity to search Drivers License Records on their desktop or mobile device. You must be a subscriber to access these records. To learn more about becoming a subscriber please visit our page on our website. CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT Under the Drivers' Privacy Protection Act of 1994, as amended DPPA 18 U. § 2721 , personal information obtained by the Kansas Department of Revenue cannot be released unless the request for information falls within one of the exceptions within the Act. It is unlawful for personal information to be used for any purpose not permitted under the DPPA. Furthermore, it is unlawful for any person to make false representation in order to obtain personal information from DMV records. Civil action may be brought against you by the owner of the personal information released. In addition, Kansas law K. By proceeding past this screen, I declare that I am eligible and have the express authority to receive the requested information pursuant to the Federal Drivers' Privacy Protection Act of 1994, as amended. I further declare that any personal information I receive will not be used to sell or offer for sale any property or service.


Below are general Kansas Department of Revenue fees that may apply to your situation. Please look at our page for other information. NOTE: If you were convicted of a crime for your offense, you may also face additional court penalties. You will not receive updates on your place in line until you have checked in at the licensing office. Furthermore, it is unlawful for any person to make false representation in order to obtain personal information from DMV records. For questions about traffic codes, take a look at the. Additional contact information: fax number 785-296-6851. Additionally, several third-party vendors offer time-saving online vehicle services. Authorities noted that an employee became suspicious when the group tried to open multiple lines at the same time, and immediately alerted authorities. A person will kansas drivers license check to provide their driver's license number, name and date of birth.